Friday, September 7, 2012

Sophomore Year So Far

I feel like I have a lot to say, so here's everything, in chronological order (hopefully). 
Being an orientation leader was amazing. For four days, we did all kinds of training exercises, and it was like being in a tiny version of my school because there were about 170 of us, all representing different majors. I met a lot of new people, but I think it was mostly good for strengthening my relationships with acquaintances. This included one of my suitemates, who had been brought into our group by a mutual friend.We had a little conclusion-of-orientation celebration today, so that's officially over.

I've met with all of my classes once at this point, and I'm pretty sure I don't have any classes that I dislike. The first one was psychology, which I was skeptical about because it's a gen ed requirement, but the teacher seems like a pretty cool guy. The only person I knew in that class was some guy that I vaguely remember from my first-semester freshman writing class, but I don't really mind. Then, there was World Drama. Having seen the syllabus for that, I was concerned that the professor would be really strict and awful because there's tons of homework. On the contrary, he's just a guy who's not quite fully qualified as a professor yet, and he's missing the next few classes because he's getting married. Someone else is taking over, though, so I only get out of class once. On the second day of classes, I had History of Fashion and Decor, followed by Costume Design 1. Super exciting! They'll be pretty challenging, probably, but I'm looking forward to them. Neither one is a sewing class, but they'll be very helpful when I'm actually costuming a show.

I do have one show, which is being performed from October 18-21. Midterm week is tech week, oh boy! It's Grapes of Wrath, and I'm second assistant costume designer/wardrobe assistant. The starting point. I'm okay with that, at least I've made it to that starting point! I've never gotten the impression that either of the other designers like me, but maybe that will change with this project. They haven't needed me yet. I think my main task is something like "supervise the freshmen on the costume crew." I was on costume crew last semester, so I can deal with that. 

My living situation is about 12536456897 times better than it was last year, due to the absence of a certain pothead suitemate. I'm friends with everyone who lives in my suite, and that's great. At the same time, life can be a little frustrating.  I love them all, but they're so busy all the time! I'm only busy on a show-by-show basis, but I don't sign on to every show ever because I'd never have time to sleep. And they're always talking about joining sororities and getting jobs, which I think I couldn't handle while I have a show. The only reason why I could ever see myself joining a sorority would be if that's where all of my friends were, because I'd join out of loneliness. Sometimes, it's very lonely around here. Other times, people make plans to go out and do cool and interesting things, only to bail out because they're too tired. But I'm not tired; I want to have a life outside of this white box that I live in. I've done what I can to make it less blah, but it's still just a white box of a room. I'm sick of just sitting around watching movies every weekend, because that's all that anyone ever wants to do. Maybe I just need to train myself to do homework in places that aren't my room, because i think that spending too much time in my room last semester kept me feeling depressed for a longer time than I should have been. I'm determined to stay away from that unfortunate mindset from last semester, so I need to distract myself any time I think that it's coming back to me.