Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tech week and finals week are the same week

And that's pretty much all I have time to say. It's pretty brutal, how little time I have to do everything ever.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I'm sick of my suitemate's existence. I have the perfect opportunity to throw her out if I want to, but I'm not going to because I'm not a bitch like her. Essentially we've all been charged with three violations, for use/dealing, being under the influence, and knowing about it and saying nothing. I'm really only worried about that last one, but then again I've never witnessed her smoking pot in the suite, so I can't just blatantly state that she did it when there's only the smell for proof. Besides the fact that I'm only pretty sure that smell is pot, it's not like I've ever smoked it. If she gets us fucking thrown out, I don't know what I'll do.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Crazy Night

And then the campus police knocked on our door saying that our housing could be in peril if we don't stop smoking pot. But it's only that one damn girl that I don't like. We met with our RA after that (and like 2 others that she was with), and even though they took down our ID numbers, the RAs know it's not us. Essentially, if this girl does decide to threaten to kill us in our sleep, she'll be out, assuming we can report it. But we're not in danger because they know it's not us. Supposedly. Ughhhh. I hate this. We have to meet with the guy in charge of security for this building, but I have no time because I'm so busy with tech (and finals) week next week. I'm just really pissed off right now.

Suite Invasion

First of all, it's pretty awkward when people in your class are going on and on about smoking weed and how it's awkward to be around people who don't smoke weed. I just kinda stayed quiet for that. But anyway, Leah was asleep just now, and I was sitting on my bed teaching myself how to do needlepoint, when there was a knock on our suite door. "RAs on duty, open up!" There I was, thinking that someone in our suite had reported our pothead suitemate. He walked in saying someone outside could smell weed, which is pretty much always the case around our suite. Ugh. Unfortunately, or fortunately, said pothead suitemate was out somewhere when all this went down. I'm honestly a bit intimidated by her, like I think she'd kill Leah and I or something if one of us reported her.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Sooo I realized two hours ago that one of my finals isn't happening at its scheduled time, it's happening tomorrow. Yiiikes. I mean, clearly my mind's been other places. The Yule Ball's on Saturday and I don't have a dress yet, but I did convince the guy I like to go with me since my two other good friends are bringing guy friends. Granted, he had forgotten by the next day...damn it. I mean, he's still going through with it, but that was awkward. Oh life, why are you such a problem sometimes?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Here I Sit

It's a little bit sad, how easy it is for me to waste a whole day on the internet. It's not like I have anything else better to do; I ended up stranded in Melrose until tonight, so here I sit on my clunky old laptop, typing away and watching random videos. I'm missing out on stuff at school, dammit. There's a holiday party going on, but I'm here because of a miscommunication, since I don't want to be a pain and bug someone (who?) to give me a ride to the train station.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

You guyssss.

I presented my final project to the Creativity in Context class yesterday. We were told to do anything as long as it could be tied back to our classwork somehow, so everyone just played to their strengths and wrote songs/skits/whatever. I was going to sew, but then I had no idea how to relate it to class. I ended up with that scratchboard I posted to FB, because I could relate it to what we learned about George Orwell's idea of how the artistic process works. I kept it in this huge box from boots, because it didn't fit in anything else, and everyone was all curious about it. I don't really talk to the people in that class much, so I didn't really know what they'd think, but I pulled my drawing out of the box after talking for a while, and everyone was like "whoa." People even said I should start selling them! I'm seriously considering that, except that I doubt I could make much of a living as only a scratchboard artist. It was just really exciting, because that sort of thing hadn't happened to me before.