Friday, November 9, 2012

Life stuff! Yay!

I've finally come out of my little funk involving what the hell I want to do after college, and I feel awesome. For  a while I'd been toying with the idea of declaring a minor in either business or marketing, and then I came up with the idea of what kind of company I'd like to create. It's a new kind of clothing company, stemming from a recent design movement that I'd like to bring into the mainstream. I hope that that can actually happen! I won't go into much detail about that here, since I'm slightly paranoid that someone could see this blog and take my ideas. Anyway, at my school, there's a program called E3 that runs for a full year, and it's an entrepreneurial minor. At the end of that year, students pitch their businesses to people who can fund them, and a few of them get their startup that way. If I'm still going with this business idea when I'm a senior, it'll be time to double-minor and see if that works out! For now I'm just planning to sign up for Principles of Business as soon as I can, which is the beginning class for both of those minors. Wheee!

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