Saturday, January 21, 2012

Post-Arisia Thoughts

I'm not usually the type to write stuff like this, but then again I never have this kind of stuff to write about. It's just a bunch of shit I'd love to say to the guy I spent most of the weekend with, having met him once six months before that. It's not important, just pisses me off.

Dear Guy,

You broke my heart in the span of a week. You hung out with my friends and told them how much you liked me, and yet yesterday you told me you met someone new. Who the fuck does that? You took advantage of the fact that I was several years younger and more innocent, and I believed you. At 18 years old, I would have expected that I, not you, would be the less mature one in that relationship. I'd never understood the game Dominion until you made me play it with you, and you know what? I didn't tell you, but I thought it fucking sucked. Sure, you learned how to play Cosmic so you could spend time with me, but for what? Maybe I wasn't sure I liked you until the end of the con, but that shouldn't be all it took to drive you away. If you'd actually cared, you would have tried harder than that. Fuck you. You didn't even go to college, so I'm going to go make something of myself now while you continue performing on street corners.


  1. he's a stupid fuck and dude i'm so sorry but did i mention stupid fuckyfuckwadfuck of fuckysuckfuck? but that last sentence = too legit to quit. <3

    1. Haha I love you. Also, I had an idea. Maybe next weekend you guysss could come over thisaway and play cosmic? Cuz I really do want to play, just not with him and his girlfriend. But seriously, how else was I supposed to interpret his idea of cosmic nights as anything other than a way to continue hanging out with me? He didn't act any different when he supposedly lost interest.
