Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh my gosh

This week has been a problem. So I already went over some of the stuff I've heard since I've been there; I feel like I'm losing brain cells by the second. Everyone else on the costume crew is either a musical theatre major or a BFA actor, so they're basically this huge clique that looks down on people like me. There's a BFA design freshman who's technically in charge of us, and she's sometimes nice but mostly hangs out with the actors. I guess it's a BFA thing? I'm really beginning to realize that I'm not friends with acting majors, and I remember why. The majority of them are completely obsessed with themselves, and only seem to have things in common with other people who are obsessed with themselves. I think the major difference between drama club and being here is that these people take everything way too seriously. I mean, they're not all bitches, but a lot of them act that way. And the ones who don't are still friends with the super bitchy ones, so they don't even really talk to me much either. This weekend is going to be very lonely, since I'm there for seven hours today and twelve the next two. Then, I can have a life again and everything will be beautiful...but I still have that problem about the theatre here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Things overheard during crew (the more finished version)

"Did you know that they're sending our recycling to Jupiter? Yeah, it's made of gas, so when they send things out there, the gas like hides it. They're just taking all the money we spend on recycling."

"He's Mormon, but he's secretly gay..."

"Oh my god, you watch Dance Moms too?!?!"

"The first time I took ecstasy, I just sat there and rubbed my butt against the wall for like two hours."

"I can't wait to go home, because I can get pot for 80 bucks!"

"There's a kid somewhere who is allergic to everything except tic-tacs."
-"How does he live?"
-"He's not doing a very good job of it..."

"They have to let us leave at 11, because that's when the building closes!" (We'd been let out at like 11:20 for three consecutive days, did she not notice?)

"Ew, I can't help them strike the set. I'm an actor. I'm not built for this."

Also, sometimes, instead of talking they just sing their conversations.

Don't get me wrong, a few of them were actually okay. But most of the hell are they in college?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here sanity?

Today marks the first of my ten days of hell. As in, crew assignment. That whole selling-my-soul-to-a-show thing. Freshman minion, that's me! Today, I'm there for five hours. That's the minimum commitment for this schedule, sometimes I'll have to be there for thirteen hours straight. I don't know yet if they decided to put me on costume crew. I have three essays due tomorrow, which I haven't had time to do because I spent my week prepping a discussion for an earlier meeting of the same class. Goodbye friends and sanity, hello stress! I met this awesome guy last weekend, and we've been talking all week, but if he asks me to hang out I'm not sure when that can happen. I haven't told him that the reason we met is because I was out with my friends for one last exciting weekend before letting this show steal my life until right before spring break. Anyway, I've got like three hours to do my homework, I'd better make it count! Hopefully my suitemate shuts up soon, I can't stand hearing "oh my gahhhhd, what the fahck" one more time right now.

Monday, February 13, 2012


A few hours ago, everything reeked of pot. My obnoxious suitemate was blabbering on about how the "fucking idiots" on this floor would never figure out that it was her, and going on and on about rolling and smoking joints in her room. I wish I had had a tape recorder, so I could hold onto it for proof the next time the RAs get suspicious. Did last semester teach us nothing? At least I can say that my time with her is more than halfway over. We haven't had to submit housing applications yet, but I know who I'm living with next year, and I'm extremely excited to get away from her.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Crisis Averted

I was the second assistant costume designer for a club production of Julius Caesar. I guess that second assistant would have meant that I was the lesser of two assistants, since we were both listed as working directly under my costume designer friend who's a sophomore. I'd never met the other girl. Then, in the middle of the week, I found out that my friend, Elvira, had to step down as head designer because the show was going up in two weeks, and she was too busy. Two weeks also put it at the very beginning of my theatre crew assignment, so I wouldn't even be able to help at the performances. I was worried that I wouldn't be allowed to help with this one at all. Also, since I was now working under a stranger, I wasn't sure what she'd be like. I was still told that I should go to the production meeting, and see if it wouldn't be too much of a commitment.

Yesterday was the day of the meeting. Luckily, it turns out that the new designer, Sarah, is completely awesome and understanding. We're the same major, except that she's a year ahead of me and trying to switch into the more competitive program. Her design ideas are kind of similar to mine, so that's cool. Somehow it came up that she cosplays and goes to the cons that I've been to, so we geeked out for a bit and agreed that everything was going to work out just fine between us. I've finally found a fellow geek at my school!