Monday, November 28, 2011

End-of-semester woes

There's only three weeks left in this semester. What the hell? Where did all of that go?

That being said, my stupid scene shop requirement is stupid because I can only go for the two hours right when it opens on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but the last few times I've tried they've been all "we don't need any help" if there's even anyone there at all. I don't want to get a bad grade just because they're not free when I am. Fuck.

I also had the bright idea of doing my largest scratchboard ever for a creative project in my Creativity in Context class, but then the sign-up sheet started getting passed around on the opposite side of the room, so lucky me only has until Friday to get the damn thing done. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy with it so far. But I'm stressed out that I'll end up having to rush it and make it look much less pretty, because one wrong scratch and you're left with an awkward situation.

Break was super awesome and seeing you guys was so great. I'm just freaking out now that I'm back and my grades in everything are only average. I have a freaking C+ in history, because the teacher is ridiculous and his grading scale makes no sense. I can't seem to fix that, because I still never know if I've gotten a decent grade on a test. At least I'm not failing. I definitely thought that I had a chance of failing earlier, but his scoring just doesn't compute.

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